Starting today you can now send push notifications up to 2,048 characters! This is up from the previous 124 characters. Push notification messages still only display 124 characters on any given device, but push notifications that are beyond 124 characters will be viewable in your Messages Feature. When a user opens up the notification or visits…

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You are familiar with The Bible App, right? Of course you are. You aren’t a cave man. Go Church App has a feature that utilizes The Bible App to share scripture with your app users. It’s simply, really. Just follow these steps to easily share scripture to any subscribers you want! Visit and select the chapter and…

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Michelle, Children’s Ministry coordinator at First Evangelical Covenant Church of Grand Rapids recently used the power of push notifications to get last minute nursery volunteers for a Sunday morning. But, this wasn’t just any Sunday morning, it was the Sunday before Labor Day.  Michelle told us that she needed four volunteers three days before Sunday,…

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